
lately, aku mmg rasa teruji sangat bila melambak-lambak assigments dan kja2 lain yg dtg kt aku, at the SAME TIME. fuhhh. stress?? for sure aku stress. SANGAT! tpi, baru2 ni aku chat dgn cikgu aku msa skolah menengah dulu. beliau adalah salah seorang cikgu yang aku segani masa sklah dulu. to be honest, he is one of my idol! :)

so, msa chat tu ad la mnyelit pasal assignment. mngadu kt cikgu pasal assignment yang kadang2 dtg melambak2 pda waktu ketika yang sama. due date pulak, kna pda tarikh yang sama. mmg kompem2 la stress kan? msa mngadu tu, cikgu cakap ad cerita yang nak di kongsikan. cikgu tanya, nak tak? mesti la nak.. hee. so, ni cerita yang cikgu bagi kat aku.

"i got it from a book entitled positive thinking. The story begins like this. The writer went to the airport and was sitting on a bench. While sitting on the bench, he was impressed by the man at the counter who was so calm and relaxed while attending the huge crowd. So, when it was his turn to deal with the man at the counter, he asked the man this question. "How did you manage to be so calm and relaxed while dealing with the many characters of the crowd? The man's answer was very simple. He said, "I didn't deal with the crowd. I just focused on one customer at a time. I deal with them ONE by ONE." The writer was impressed with how the man dealt with his job every day."

nampak x apa yang nak di sampaikan kt situ?

- means, we must focus on one work at a time.one work at one time, no miserable, no headache, no
- you have to make a list of anything that bothers you

- then you solve them one by one.
- if you think of all the problems and you think that you want to solve everything at once, your day will
   be a living hell

got it? haa~ tu la mesej dari cita tu. jadi skrg, aku boleh tersenyum tatkala melihat assignment yang melambak. bleh je ckp kt assignments tu, "weyh, aku xtkut la kat kau." haha. so, insyaAllah dah x stress lagi kan? insyaAllah, klau kta bleh ikut methods ni, kita dah bleh senyum dah sepanjang hari. InsyaAllah. semoga bermanfaat untuk semua.

Wallahua'lam.. :)


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